Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In sickness and in health...

In sickness and in health…most of us think we know what that means – a bad stomach flu, birthing a child, surgery – but in reality most of us never really put this vow to the test. This weekend was our test and we passed with flying colors. It was chemo weekend for me - which means about 5 days of sick stomach, extreme weakness and no appetite (despite the need to eat). It was also two weeks after Ted’s foot surgery leaving him in a cast and crutches. What a pair we made! Ted would balance in the kitchen preparing whatever I felt I could eat and I would carry it in to the sofa. Afterwards I would carry things back to the kitchen and Ted would clean up. So many people give up on their marriage before it’s even been put to the test. I’m glad mine is strong and getting stronger!